Everything About Hesi A2! I ACED IT!
Yes I will give you the hookup!
So I took the Hesi my 3rd time. And it is true! It is just a pool of randomly selected items. Each school has limited versions of the exams. So most likely the more you take the exam, the more likely you are to take the same exams.
My first time, if you read my previous blog about Hesi, I bombed the math and vocab section. The 2nd time I bombed the vocab section smh lol. Taking it the 3rd time, I ended up taking the same exact test from the first time. It was so easy!!! I aced it...God, you could of worked sooner, but thank you.
My new results:
Math 86
Vocab 92
Reading/Grammar 88
I was actually on my period the day of the exam and was working pretty fast. The math took the most time, like usual. I had an hour left, and I needed to use the restroom and change. I was on my second to last section. I left to use the restroom. Took me 10 min to arrive back to the testing room. Omg I couldn't believe it. I finished the reading section (time consuming). And only had 20 min for the grammar section, which had about 55 questions. I was like Speedy Gonzales. I stopped reading at the last 5 min because I had 15 questions left. Once I clicked the last one, my test turned off. I missed silly questions like, "what is the contraction of will not?" Won't is the answer. I chose will'nt. Well.....
I had lost 10 min, in addition I was about 10 min late to the exam as well, so a total of 20 minutes lost that I could of used. Not to mention, I totally forgot about my Hesi exam until a friend reminded me of it the previous day. So to confirm, I checked on my personal calendar and she was right! How could I be so....ugh! Bridget get with it!
Any who....
Study the Hesi A2 books. I bought the bottom orange one and got the other 2 versions from classmates and friends. Also use quizlets; there should about 160 vocab words from the book and extra that you must study. All the vocab words are not medical terms.
Common Vocabulary words:
Patent (open), occluded (close), invasive (enter), Know Maslows Hierarchy
Math: Know conversions and proportions and fractions!
1 Gallon-> 4Qs->8P->16 cups-> 128oz
1 gallon = 128 ounces
Know yards, miles and feet conversions
Military time Chart
Midnight 0000 and (AM) || Noon 12 (PM)
01 1 am 1300
02 2 am
03 =3 am 1500
Use this chart to help you. Need to find 8pm? Take the number 8 and add it to 12, so 20 is the answer.
Convert celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa
Kings Hate dragons B dragons can't make money
Kilo, hecta, deca, Base, deci, centi, milli, micro (you will not use micro)
2010 = MMX
L=50, X=10, M=1000, C=100
Know percentages too. 9/10 = 90 %
To get a percent (2 places to the right)
To get a decimal (2 places to the left)
Fractions: Divison ( inverse, multiply across, simplify)
Multiply (multply across, divide, simplify)
There are word problems, which consist about 20 percent.
Reading: READ READ READ. And answer the best to your ability. Examples include, what is the main conclusion or what does the reader infer about the section?
Grammar: You do not really need to know what nouns, prepositions, adjectives, etc mean. But they might throw 1 or 2 questions at you. My second time, they threw two at me. First time, I had none.
Grammar is simply a formation of sentences. Sometimes they might add anatomy terms in this section. I believe I had about a few; nothing to hard. Examples include, "John aint happy today." What is wrong? Answer is Aint, because it is not a real word. Or "Tommy was threw with reading." Threw is the wrong word.
Study at least 5 days a week for a month. If not everyday for hours for 2 weeks. Best of all endeavors!