Hips, Thighs and a Booty Girl

I have always wanted to say everything I was afraid to say. So here it is:
Having big hips as long as I could remember has never been easy. I "matured" early. I was the tallest and sometimes the biggest girl in my class. From 1st grade till 7th grade, I was the tall and the big girl. Family and friends assumed I would be this giant as an adult. Ohh were they wrong! After 7th grade, boys grew like weed. Was I getting shorter? I went from the tallest girl in all my classes to the shortest girl. GRRR!
But it was okay, many girls did not grow. (Wink)
Entering high school, I had to teach myself to embrace my curves. My mom on the other hand, had always tried to down-size me. My hips were to big, my hips were too sexual, my breast were sprouting before I was of age and I was looking like a 13 year-old as a mere 9 year old girl. At that tender age, I just wanted to fit in with my group. I wanted a flat chest, I wanted less thighs and hips, I wanted to be smaller and a little bit shorter. I felt so out of place in my body; I felt out of place with my age-mates.
My mom tried to help me by down-sizing me. Tight sports bras that would flatten my breasts and hip exercises to reduce my "sexual" body figure. But I don't think it worked mom. And my mom would firmly reply, you were not persistent and her roll her eyes. No getting across with her. I put no blame on her, she's a mother trying to normalize her child. But it caused lots of headache unto me. I couldn't accept my body, so I couldn't accept me.
As I aged, my body began to balance out. I still have hips and thighs, but my curves are more prominent than ever. My body and I have been through a lot. Big breasts, small breasts, less hips, huge thighs, fit body, weight-loss, weight gain, name it, we've done it. I'm tired; we're tired.

OMG! I love my curves! You just don't know. But don't underestimate me, it took me a long time (many years) to get here. I used to hate it. Gosh, I feel like I have hated nearly everything on myself LOL. But I do feel more like a woman with it all. I love my hips, thighs, I JUST FEEL WOMAN! My curves, my genetics and environment have given me a gift that I treasure. It is a part of my identity and it's a part of my beauty. It has had its hardships with me, but it's a blessing. My body is my temple.
Love yourself girls.
My best friends all have different bodies.
Some are flat-breasted, natural long hair, skinny, thick,
beautiful features, extremely smart, perfect booties, tight and toned bodies,
awesome arms, good textured hair, luscious lips, pretty fingers, cute toes, have innies,
amazingly tall, radiant skin tones, funny moles/birth marks, beautiful eyes, sexy accents, eye catching legs, funny
personalities, a strong faith, great fashion sense, etc. If you believe you fit into one of these or
have your own, then you deserve to love yourself too. It's worth it.